The central triangle at the heart of the coming new world:
Thus the Americans have become in only three centuries a "primary race," pro tem., before
becoming a race apart, and strongly separated from all other now existing races. They are, in short, the germs of the Sixth
sub-race, and in some few hundred years more, will become most decidedly the pioneers of that race which must succeed to the
present European or fifth sub-race, in all its new characteristics. SD2 445.
Secondly, to the mistrust
and hatred which existed between classes; and to this day, divisions between such classes are so sharply defined as to admit
of no possible bridging – which leave all classes at the mercy of the Alien, who, to advance his own interests, fosters
and increases the bitterness between Sikh and Afghan, between Behari and Bengali, between Warrior and Priest.
Knowing all this, loving my people as a father his children, forced to see them sink into
nothingness among nations, realizing that their only hope lies in the Anglo Saxon race now incarnated in America – for
from it a great Karmic debt is due - is it surprising that I should take some interest in the affairs of that nation, even
to identifying myself in a measure with it?
Yet the ignorant, the self-blinded, can neither see the danger which threatens themselves,
nor the crying need of the Aryan race, nor understand my motive in striving to draw closer together these long divided peoples.
They can but stand aside and deny either my existence or my presence among them, though they may have seen me face to face.
It is nothing – let it pass, the great law will determine the results. TT 326. Hilarion.
DK states: “more nationalistic and exploiting in their approach to "subject races"
also "They are not, for instance, successful colonists." These references add
great perspective to history. Lets imagine the colonisation by the British Empire and the forging of the United States and
what it took to do this, and yet the Tibetan with his inner sight and wisdom indicates that other races are more exploiting
and have greater nationalistic and I would venture religious bias than USA, UK or USSR in her ideal or true communistic approach.
Further to this let the group consider that the "basic intention" of the United States
is the "well-being of all within its national jurisdiction". This gives great perspective of an esoteric truth and indicates
its ray 6 personality as it manifests in protective nature towards the truth of her being as HPB states the "sixth sub race
set apart". She also recalls somewhere, though I paraphrase, its survival depends on her being able to feed the vast expanse
of the peoples. I conclude therefore, attack the nation, or threaten its existence at your peril. For without this knowledge
no other can possibly know or understand her "basic intention" or extreme occult importance for her survival. JPC.
Certain nations, because of their international character and the multiplicity of races which compose
them, are normally more inclusive in their thinking and planning than are the others. They are more prone to think in term
of humanity as a whole than are the others. Such nations are the United States, the British Commonwealth of Nations and the
united Soviet Socialist Republics. Many nations and races constitute these three Great Powers - the central triangle at the
heart of the coming new world. Hence their opportunity to guide mankind at this time and their innate responsibility to act
as world leaders.
Other races have no such inherent capacity. They are not, for instance, successful colonists
and are more nationalistic and exploiting in their approach to "subject races". For the three Great Powers, the fusion of
the many elements composing their nationals into a united whole has been a necessary conditioning impulse. The basic intention
of the United States is the well-being of all within its national jurisdiction. PH 68.